Holding onto talented sales reps isn’t always easy, especially when sites like LinkedIn allow headhunters to have easy access to your most valuable employees. While salary is a big reason sales staff may leave for new opportunities, there are plenty of other factors that determine job satisfaction. Sales team turnover can be a big problem, especially if you're not closing. If you think your turnover rate is higher than it should be, ponder the following points as you look for solutions.
In any profession, when employees feel like they can’t achieve their goals or be successful, they’re likely to be unhappy with their jobs. And in any sales team, there may be personalities that excel at some tasks, but not others. According to a study published in the Journal of Selling & Major Account Management, sales reps fall into two categories: hunters or farmers. Hunters are skilled at finding new sales opportunities, whereas farmers are better suited to nurture existing client relationships. Find your hunters and farmers and assign tasks that align with their talents, and they’ll be more content in their jobs. Furthermore, you can adjust compensation and bonuses based on these roles.GIVE EMPLOYEES THE RIGHT TOOLS
Successful selling requires more than just a telephone and a desk. You have to be willing to invest in tools that make employees’ daily tasks easier. Sales automation software is a good place to start, because it eliminates a lot of administrative work and menial tasks that disrupt a salesperson’s day. If your star sales rep says she needs a new laptop or tablet for work, don’t just dismiss that request because of the associated cost. A new piece of equipment that keeps that employee happy is better than recruiting, hiring and training her replacement, when she finally gets fed up with outdated technology.PROVIDE TRAINING AND DIRECTION
Although sales reps are adept at working independently, they still need training and guidance from management. Meet with members of your sales team individually to ask about their long-term goals and what kind of training they need to get there. Your top performers will always be on a quest for more – whether that’s simply higher pay or a promotion that comes with more responsibility. So try to create opportunities for advancement, and provide training and guidance that helps employees achieve those goals. Find out more about developing and retaining sales talent in our white paper, “5 Hidden Factors that Make or Break Your Sales Team." Fill out the form below to download:Category
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