In today's market, the customer has more power than ever before, thanks to quick and easy access to information. Prospects seek you out if they think your product or service could be of use to them, and then interact with your brand to take things further.


Prospects require a greater level of introduction before a sales call. Marketing may hand you some leads, but you need to conduct the right amount of research before you can pitch to them. Understand what kind of business they are engaged in, what their possible pain points could be and why they may be looking to you for help. You need to be able to offer them something substantial when you make that first call. Background research will also help you get to know them better and ask them the right questions.


Lead scoring is an important element of the prospecting process. Not all leads may be the right fit. Analyze how a lead has been engaging with your brand or business and see how deep their intent to buy is. If the prospect is from a company that has a use for your product, if the prospect is a decision maker within their organization, or if the prospect has expressed relevant pain, you know these are hot buttons that could encourage a sale.


Some of your leads may not be quite ready to buy yet- but that does not mean they do not fit the bill. You should keep the conversation and nurture those leads into readiness. Interact with them on a platform that is comfortable to them and give them with quality content that is useful and creates value in some way. Take note of  how their needs change along the way and adapt your approach accordingly. By interacting with your leads regulalry, you can give them a more personalized experience. Salesvue helps by streamlining the process and making the process of follow-up easier. Salesvue's one-click call logging system allows you to record each interaction with prospects and leads, and notes down the outcome, so when you follow up you are better prepared to address their concerns. Salesvue optimizes the human touch by showing you where critical calls, voice mails, referrals and appointments take place, so you can see where exactly sales reps are slowing down or moving closer to a sale. Salesvue puts you in control of your leads.