We've all heard it before: the marketplace is competitive, there are too many players out there and your customer base is fragmented. How are you going to be able to get noticed in a chaotic marketplace? Selling is going to be a nightmare! Well, it doesn't have to be. Segmentation can actually be a good thing; you just need to make it work in your favor. By identifying prospect and customer traits, then separating prospects into those well-defined groups, you can sell more and sell better. Here are a couple ways you can make segmentation work for your sales efforts.
1. Create Broad Categories
You may think you need extensive market research, surveys and outside consultants to help you understand your prospects and customers better, but the fact is a bulk of it is already in your hands in your CRM system. Make broad categorizations based on your existing customer base: size of the company, industry, location, who they are selling to and the like. From looking at your existing customer base and prospect list, you can figure out exactly what kind of prospect you are targeting. Furthermore, learning more about your existing customers will help you pitch more effectively, regardless of whether it's through a marketing campaign or a one-on-one interaction. Sales CRMs, like Salesforce, help you gather this kind of business intelligence with ease. All the data you need is updated in real-time, so you know how your existing customers are doing, how much they have bought, what brought them to a close and when they sealed the deal.2. Dig Deeper
The basic demographics are there, so now look at the finer details. Have there been any changes to their management? Are there any internal problems you are aware of? Has there been a change in the prospect’s decision making process? Do they have expansion plans? Are they a part of forums and associations? With the combined power of Salesvue and Salesforce, gathering in-depth information is a lot easier. Every little detail that comes up during a sales call is a potential goldmine. Our easy 1-click call logging process allows sales reps to make a note of what was discussed in each call, and the information is always at your fingertips. You don’t need to dig through archives.3. Look for the Common Thread
Salesforce is designed to help you draw correlations between multiple sets of information. And with the Salesvue for Salesforce integration, you can easily refine and filter search results to figure out what works best for a customer/prospect segment. You can look for success rates based on campaign, day of the week and even time of day! Salesforce gives you a snapshots of conversions and rejections as they happen, so you can pinpoint common problem areas and success stories. Salesvue makes it easier to schedule follow-ups and have more meaningful conversations. Thanks to our Salesforce integration, the combined power of Salesvue + Salesforce gives you sales business intelligence that is sharper, smarter and more valuable. All the data you need– previous call records, prospect preferences, reports and analysis – is available at your fingertips. Make faster connections and close deals quicker by uncovering what makes your prospects tick. You can also use Salesvue’s built-in or customizable plans to streamline and standardize your customer onboarding experience. Customers will love it and you’ll be able to know at anytime where a customer is in the process and how each and every member of your team is performing.Category
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