Prospecting can be a difficult task and your sales team will probably face several rejections along the way. Many times, sales representatives spend a long time gauging what the prospect wants and analyzing the outcome, only to learn that they would rather do business with someone else. How can you make this process easier and more efficient? By getting your sales reps to make more calls to the right people at the right time. Here's how. THE RIGHT INFORMATION To make prospecting easier, you need the right information about your audience and your team. You pretty much know who you are selling to, which is defined even before you set up shop. But you need to define what is happening inside your sales funnel. Salesvue helps you see how your team is doing, with detailed reports that you can filter and customize to suit your needs. You can track sales reps based on their results and make improvements as they go along. Data analysis also shows rejection and objection rates, so you can redesign the message and craft a more effective one. THE RIGHT MESSAGE Triggered messaging based on past customer behaviors, or specific engagement based on a prospect's previous interaction, is a surefire way to increase the relevance of your message. For instance, If a prospect has signed up for a webinar, you could email them a copy of a white paper you have published. With the data you have on hand, you can see when an existing customer last made a purchase, and send them a simple email to reconnect/offer a product update. THE RIGHT TIME Timing means a lot in this business, especially when it comes to following up. Without it, there is no way you can close a deal. Follow up needs to happen in a timely manner, but at the same time, the prospect should not feel overwhelmed or put off by your efforts. Salesvue simplifies and automates the follow up tasks on your behalf, so your sales team ends up making more calls. Your sales representatives don't have to spend time figuring when to make the call, or set multiple reminders to send out messages. With call logging, automated follow ups and customizable messaging, put the guesswork aside and ensure that your message is heard.
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