For any seller there’s a few questions they commonly ask. How can I increase my commission? What are my quarterly targets? What do I have to do in order to reach them? These questions span across every industry. At Salesvue, we help sellers in the financial services space answer these questions. For those who may be asking, “How do you increase sales of financial products?” or “What are marketing strategies for financial services?” don’t worry, we’ve got you covered.
Salesvue, a Salesforce native sales engagement platform, is experienced at working with financial services clients, and this post will discuss and answer some of the common questions we get from new prospects looking to generate more revenue with marketing and sales strategies.
Common Sales Strategies
While every sales person will tell you they have the secret trick, there are a few things every seller can benefit from. In our experience, there’s some common sales strategies that can help boost the efforts of even the worst sellers. Here’s two of our favorites!
First, get organized and create scalable processes. We all know someone who is very disorganized. Whether they have meeting notes written on their hand, their schedule for the day scattered among different sticky notes or use three different calendars, there’s a better solution for this. Creating a process or system that allows sellers to see everything they must do in the day while prompting them one task at a time, you can create a seamless flow in the work day.

Second, complete multiple touch points over multiple channels. What we mean by this is reach out and connect with a prospect multiple times across different channels, such as email, phone call and social media. By making multiple attempts at connecting with a prospect across many channels, there’s a better chance of connecting with them. Also, there’s a better chance of your company’s name or the seller‘s name sticking, which hopefully leads to the prospect being more open to a full conversation.
Innovative Sales Strategies
Along with the common sales strategies and tips, don’t be afraid to shake things up and get creative. While sending regular emails is a good idea to reach someone, you must also remember that a majority of salespeople are using the same strategy. So, you must come up with a way to stand out. How are you going to separate yourself from your competitors when you’re all sending emails? Here’s a couple of examples of unique ways you can help stand out:
- Send promotional items to a prospect, such as pens, water bottles, or something related to what you’re trying to sell. In an age that has become so digital, these tangible items can make a better impression than you might think.
- Host events, whether in person or online, where prospects can come and interact with people from your company to answer questions and learn more about your product.
Just remember, as you plan innovative sales strategies, make sure prospects are gaining something of value. For example, if you’re hosting a webinar, don’t just make it about your product. Make sure the attendees are learning something more. Draw people in with an interesting topic that, for example, causes a problem in their day to day. Then, introduce your product strategically during the event and discussion.
How to Create a Sales Strategy
Creating a sales strategy is a big challenge for every sales leader. While it would be easy to throw some ideas together and see if it works, the tricky part is finding the right strategy for your team. While every financial services organization is going to have a different sales strategy, there’s some common things to consider when developing these strategies.
One of which being keeping the end goal in mind. How are you going to come up with an effective strategy if you don’t know what you’re trying to accomplish? A leader must know what targets they’re trying to hit in order to come up with the best way to lead their team to them.
Another thing being using previous results to create best practices. As a sales leader you should be in tune with how your sellers are performing and where you’re seeing the most success. Don’t put old efforts to waste. Instead, make sure to be constantly reassessing and evaluating what’s working and what’s not in order to continuously improve your processes and efforts.

Marketing Strategy for Banks
While this isn’t specific to sales teams, marketing cannot be overlooked. Marketing and sales should be aligned to help create the best efforts moving forward. So, while sales teams aren’t directly in charge of marketing collateral, here’s an example of how marketing strategy plays into sales strategy.
Marketing is just as important for banks as it is for other types of business. As with many types of products, there’s a seemingly endless amount of banks to choose from. So, this is why it’s important to create collateral to separate yourself from the competition. However, this collateral goes to waste if sellers don’t use it, or use it incorrectly. There must be a good understanding and chemistry between marketing and sales at a bank to ensure that the content being created reaches the ideal customer profile well, and sellers are targeting that ICP.
As a quick example to highlight how marketing may impact sales in financial services, let’s look at a common type of business in the industry, banks. Knowing that banks offer services that are very similar to their competitors, they must find ways to stand out. A common way is to create a personalized feel. A bank may do this by showing how they are connected with the community they’re in, or by making their target audience feel good about the idea of using the bank. This relates to sellers because the image the bank displays in its marketing should be considered in the language and content sellers use as well.
Here are some more examples of things to consider when coming up with a marketing strategy for a bank!
How to Use these Ideas Within Salesforce
Many financial services teams use Salesforce. Whether you’re using Salesforce Sales Cloud or Salesforce Financial Services Cloud, there’s a way to bring everything in this blog into your Salesforce. It’s no use to only understand these ideas are important without a way to implement them. That’s why we became experts in helping financial services teams boost their Salesforce and get more out of their investment.
With Salesvue you can accomplish everything we talked about in this blog. You can create organization across your sales team, allowing all members to follow a structured and scalable system. You can ensure your sellers are creating multiple touch points with prospects by using our cadencing capabilities. Also, you can leverage our reporting to help track important KPIs. This helps you see what’s truly working and allows you to drive business growth with our metrics that matter.
The best part, Salesvue lives natively within Salesforce, meaning all these features are brought into a single easy to use system for your team. Your sellers won’t be forced to toggle back and forth between tabs and screens, as everything they need to help drive business will be found in a single UI within Salesforce!
By leveraging Salesvue in your financial services sales efforts, you can ensure you’re using the experts in this field. Combining the power of a sales engagement platform with the seemingly endless possibilities within Salesforce, we created a solution that will help your financial services team align efforts and generate more revenue.
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