Any salesperson you talk to can preach towards the importance of prospecting. Sales prospecting is a very simple and effective method to help generate business. It’s all about identifying and connecting with leads, who hopefully turn into customers. Sales prospecting isn’t just cold calling. It’s emailing, texting, generating lead lists, making meaningful connections and so much more. Check out our picks for the best sales prospecting tools to help you win more business!
What is Sales Prospecting?
Before we get into which tools will help, let’s establish a general understanding of sales prospecting. As previously mentioned, sales prospecting is the act of finding leads and trying to convert them into customers. The process starts by generating these leads. From here, it’s all about reaching them. Phone calls, social media connections, emails, texts, and anything else that may help you connect. Finding effective touch points to reach these prospects is a big part of sales prospecting methods.
What are Some Sales Prospecting Techniques?
There are some techniques that many sellers find useful in their efforts. Here’s a list of some we like:
- Use video - Many leads won’t have time to talk to you for 30 minutes. If they can see your product or service in a 30 second video demo, they may connect with that better. Hearing your voice also helps them connect better with you than just a text email.
- Use cadences - Cadences can help align the efforts of a full sales team and help keep sellers organized.
- Follow up properly - By creating multiple avenues of touches with a prospect, you’re more likely to not seem like a robo call and appear like your efforts are personalized.
- Organize your efforts - Lay out a portion of your day dedicated to prospecting so you don’t feel bogged down throughout the day.
- Build trust - By becoming knowledgeable in your prospect’s industry and use case you can become their one stop shop for all their needs.
For some more tips, check out this HubSpot blog!
Best Prospecting Tools
Here’s some of Salesvue’s picks for the best prospecting tools!
Lead Generation
LinkedIn Sales Navigator
LinkedIn Sales Navigator can help sellers find and verify contact information. Better yet, this tool can be plugged into Salesforce so sellers never have to leave their Salesforce window during their efforts.
These tools are great for generating lead lists. These tools not only come with verified data but can help provide hundreds if not thousands of contacts at a time to your company. Better yet, this saves you time from researching the accuracy of the contact information, since this is all done for you. Another great aspect is that the contacts provided to you aren’t random. You can sort these contacts by intent data, company demographics and so much more. These tools help you find the right contacts for you and get them directly into your system.
Salesvue is a sales engagement platform that lives natively within Salesforce. One of its features is the ability to build cadences. These cadences can help organize sellers in their prospecting efforts, as well as remind them that a wide variety of touch points are essential. These cadences can also be used beyond prospecting, giving sellers the ability to systematize best practices and save time throughout the sales cycle.

Dialing/Telephony Suite
A great telephony option is needed for sales teams that want to truly be effective. Telephony suites help sellers make calls and send texts to customers. As with LinkedIn Sales Navigator, these services can be integrated into your Salesforce, letting customers stay on a single platform throughout their day.
Sharing Video
Sharing video with prospects can help your efforts immensely. Many times, a prospect won’t want to take the time to schedule a long meeting with you when they don’t have a relationship formed with you. So, by sharing a video that highlights your product or service, there’s a chance you can show them what you have to offer without the meeting. Vidyard allows sellers to create personalized messages that speak to the pain point of the prospect. Better yet, sellers can also get notified when a prospect engages with the video so they can follow up quickly.
Content Data Gathering
A great tool to use for generating data around what’s working well for your team and what’s not is Seismic. With Seismic, sellers can see what content they send to prospects is working. They can see how prospects are engaging with the content, which helps create best practice. Sellers could then make sure they’re sending the right message to the right people.

Content Messaging
Lavender can help sellers create better emails. With this tool, sellers can make sure that before they send their emails out to prospects, they’re following best emailing practices. Why waste time sending email blasts to prospects not knowing if the emails you’re sending are even going to work? Lavender helps take the first step towards crafting the best messaging.
Bringing them Together
So, you’ve bought these tools and are ready to leverage them in your sales efforts. Now what? Our suggestion, bring them all together within Salesforce. All your sales prospecting tools can live within Salesforce, giving your sellers a single system for their day. This helps your sellers stay organized by putting all their efforts in one space, propelling their prospecting efforts to the next level.
There are so many options to help boost your prospecting efforts. Whether you’re looking for B2B sales prospecting tools, free prospecting tools, lead prospecting tools or anything else, there’s many options. These tools are taken to the next level by combining them all within Salesforce, creating a single platform for sellers to live on. Make calls, follow a plan, and connect with prospects all from a single user interface!
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