How exactly do you increase profits? By getting out there and speaking to every single person who may have even the slightest need for your product? No. While spreading the message is a good thing to sell more and be profitable, you have to sell smart. It’s quality over quantity. Instead of touching base with hundreds and hoping for 20 bites, why not have a constructive interaction with 50 and get 30 to commit to a purchase? Today’s customer is smart, and you need to be smart in your approach to sell more. Anticipate their needs even before they do, and leverage the relationship to retain loyalty. If you really want to sell smarter, then one good way to do it is to use SBI (sales business intelligence) tools. By gathering data about customers and leads and using that to craft your message and pitch, you will be on your way to more profits. Here are a couple of ways you can use sales business intelligence to sell more.
Fact-Based Selling
Sales reps are often caught up in looking at their own accounts, and sales managers are focused on analyzing the details of every single rep. To sell better, you need to have a view from the top: what is selling in one account, what should be selling in comparison to it and what is the real reason to sell to a lead. Highlighting your unique selling propositions and “selling the benefits” is a great differentiation tool, but it still doesn’t tell the lead “why us, why now.” Fact-based selling using data about your lead’s preferences, past interactions, history and company helps deliver a customized message that clearly illustrates how you can help solve their problem. Having all this information on hand in your sales system gives sales reps the power to make compelling pitches in real-time. Your lead will also be impressed with your level of knowledgeDiscover Your Moneymaking Strategies
The way to boost profit is not to gain more customers, but to understand what is driving profit,and capitalize on that. If product A is your bestseller, why not sell more of that instead of trying to create an interest for product B? Sales business intelligence tools tell you not only which rep is selling more, but what lies behind it. What is prompting those leads to bite the bait? What position is the lead in when they are ready to make the purchase? What kind of organizations are attracted to your products and services? It’s not about landing a huge order; it’s about understanding how to extract and extend more revenue, whether it comes from a large or small player. Salesvue, with the added power of Salesforce integration, helps you with all of these problems. Don’t waste time chasing leads who won’t convert or following up with the wrong message. Salesvue’s SBI and automation tools handle follow ups for you and enable you to customize the message to suit the prospect. Detailed reports give you insight into what tactics and strategies are working in your favor, so you can identify patterns and create a prospecting cadence. Salesvue and Salesforce together give you the intelligence and data to recreate success and keep it going. To see how it works and how you can gain from it, schedule a demo. If you'd like to learn more about how to use sales business intelligence in your organization, download our "Math of Sales: Your Formula for Sales Success" white paper now:Category
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