Every sales manager has a nightmare training story. A new rep comes in on their first day and nothing works. You cannot find past notes used to train the last new hire, they already have their mind set on ways they want to do things and you have nothing to point to in order to ensure what you are telling them is beneficial. With proper sales enablement training, all your sellers will not only be up to speed quicker but can benefit from the best practices of other sellers. Lift your entire team up, including those just starting, but implementing the best sales enablement training strategy from day one.
Sales Enablement Overview
Sales enablement is often used as a buzzword in the sales industry. Managers, sellers and even those who may not deal with sales on a day-by-day basis have heard of or even used the words sales enablement. However, using the words and understanding them are two very different things.
What is Sales Enablement?
Sales enablement is a way to bring people, resources, and technology closer together throughout the sales process. By better aligning your salespeople with the right technology, you can ensure their sales process will become not only easier, but more efficient as well. Sales enablement platforms help provide the proper technology to sales teams directly.

Why is Sales Enablement Important?
The next natural question is why is sales enablement so important? Sales enablement does more than what one might initially assume. Not only does sales enablement help make the lives of your sellers important, but when the right strategy is used, it also leads to your sales and marketing being more aligned, helps make onboarding smoother for new reps and can help inform sales leaders of best practices. Using sales enablement helps elevate your team to the next level.
What is Sales Enablement Training?
Sales enablement training is the perfect way to better equip your sellers. By utilizing the proper strategy behind the training process, your sellers will be exposed to many beneficial items from their first day on the job. They will be able to see and use their tools the proper way, see which company insights mean most to your team and which best practices from current team members they can follow.

Sales Enablement Training Tips
Here are our best tips to help you as you are thinking about how to enable your sellers to do the best they can.
Provide Learning Materials
Providing learning materials to your sales teams can help point them in the right direction. Whether they are learning materials from your own company or from a third party, giving access to these materials can help show your sellers the proper techniques to use with your sales enablement platform or even just generally with the conversations they are having with prospects or clients. This is especially important in today’s environment where your sellers may be in the office, only coming in three days a week, or working remotely from the other side of the country. This allows everyone access to the same materials, so everyone has the same learning abilities and experience.
Encourage Training Courses
Going along with keeping your sellers on the same page, ensuring you can enact the best practices to all of them can help lift the team up as one. This is especially important when new members onboard since they will be on the same page as everyone else faster than ever before. If you want to go above and beyond, you can always point your sellers towards third party sales training courses, like these HubSpot ones, for those that want to keep expanding their learning.
Share Success Stories
Looking towards your best sellers can provide huge benefits across your team. Every team lead knows the one or two sellers that stand head and shoulders above everyone else on the team. However, with sales enablement, it is much easier to implement their practices across the entire team. By being able to track your top seller’s practices, it is easier to present and implement them across the entire team.
Use Insights to Coach and Scale Best Practices
Along with seeing the best practices of your top salespeople, sales enablement platforms also allow you to scale these best practices. Sales enablement platforms give you lots of insight into the data and analytics behind your sales team’s efforts. Do not let this information go to waste! Find the KPIs that are most important to your team and use the data to help implement best practices across every seller’s efforts. One key way we suggest doing this is to find what is working for your all-star sellers and put their methods into a cadence which can help others structure their days and sales cycles similarly.
Use Automation and Selling Tools
The final tip towards utilizing sales enablement is to use automation and selling tools in your efforts. By using your platform to help automate low-level tasks that clog up your seller’s time, such as adding meetings to their calendar or flipping through their notebook to figure out who to call next, you can help your sellers have more time to prioritize their high-level tasks. Other forms of automation include those that help scale efforts across multiple sellers. For example, utilizing sales cadences built on past analytics and successes across your team is an easy way to start your team off on the right track.

Sales enablement is much more than just a buzzword. By implementing sales enablement across your team, ideally through the use of a sales enablement platform, you can help set your team up for greater success. By combining sales enablement and sales engagement inside of your CRM (like Salesforce), you will be able to see great benefit from both working together. Get the cadence capabilities and structure among other things from your sales engagement platform and your content and prospect highlights among other things from your sales enablement platform. Together, your sales team will not only become more efficient, but have much easier jobs too.
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