When it comes to analyzing and gauging success of sales teams, many sales managers rely simply on whether or not they hit their goal for the month or quarter. Some use a mix of reports that often can’t give up-to-the-minute rep activity data, so decisions can’t be made in real-time. In this post, we will show you the five best Salesforce reports for sales managers that let you become agile and make adjustments that will move the needle in a most timely manner.
Rep activity numbers can be a deceiving metric when judging success for a sales rep. Here’s an example of why that is. Let’s say you have the reps shown below. Which rep is the highest performing? You might think it’s Rebecca or Zachary because they logged the most touches and achieved the highest number of conversions. If quantity is the measure of success, then you’d be correct. However, if quality and efficiency is how you measure success, this Math of Sales report will give you a clearer picture. This report shows how many activities it takes a sales rep to have a conversation and how many conversations it takes to convert. Therefore, Michael Smith would be the best performing rep, since he only has to make 3 touches to get a conversation, and he converts on almost every conversation, whereas the other reps take 5 or 6 conversations to get a conversion.
How much time do you spend with a prospect to get a conversion? Where and when are you getting your wins? When a sales manager is onboarding or coaching the team, how many times they encourage reps to follow up can make a big difference. Looking at the Prospecting Success Report, you can see how professional persistence pays off. Let’s take the same three reps from the previous example. Let’s say Susan only follows up with a lead three times before moving them to a “Not Interested” status. Michael stops at five follow ups, but Rebecca continues to follow up with leads eight to twelve times before considering it a bad lead.
The Marketing Lead Source report is equally as important to marketing as it is to sales managers and really helps bridge the two departments. When determining which leads reps should be pursuing, it is important to determine which lead sources are producing the highest quality leads. The Marketing Lead Source Report shows the rate at which lead sources are converting. In the report below, let's compare Organic Search and Google Ads as lead sources. Both generated 16 leads, so which one is the best? A closer look reveals that for Organic Search, it takes 9 touches to get a conversion and 2 conversations to get a conversion. However, leads from Google Ads only need 5 touches to convert, and about every 1 conversations leads to a conversion. Therefore, it is rather safe to assume that leads generated from Google Ads are higher quality leads and are more likely to convert to a sale.
Because your customers and prospects are often in different phases of their customer journey, consistent and timely communication can be difficult for your sales reps. The Conversation Recency Report provides sales managers a view of how the organization is performing against their goals for maintaining a consistent connection in the form of an actual conversation with their prospects and customers. The Conversation Recency Report allows you to compare performance for different segments of prospects or customers to identify areas needing more consistent and improved communication.
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